Monday 20 June 2011

Term 2 - Week 8 Homework

Homework this week is to do done in Windows Live.

Log in and go to your mail. You will find a link to a onenote document.

Watch the video HOW VOLCANOES FORM and answer the questions in onenote. Click the link to go to the video.

how volcanoes are formed

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Our Multiplication Tables

As part of our multiplication and division learning we created chants for our times tables.
Here is a link to our chants, why not learn along with us.

Our Times Table Rhymes

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Our topic

This term for topic we are doing Natural disasters

we recently made a three way venn diagram with Tornados,Hurricanes and Cyclones.

Our Myths & Legends Writing

At school we have been reading some myths and legends and then we made some of our own. Then we had to put them onto Youblisher this is how they turned out.
Here are some links to our myths and legends writing on Youblisher.

He and the Mushrooms

Shrek and Mr Dobson

Invasion of the Ogre and Griffin

The Opposing Panda

The Famous 4

Mini Santa and Atlantis